Saturday 20 October 2012

Bead blog recap weeks 41-42

Haven't been much online lately, but hope to write some more posts these next few days. Apart from posts on Manekis Pärlblogg, that is (I'm a bit behind there right now, I'm afraid, so that takes precedence). Today I at least remembered to do the biweekly summary of the post on my other blog. These last two weeks have encompassed everything from bead meets and shows to spike bead projects and design inspirations.

Hope you find something fun to read!

By the way, shop owners and distributers: the two swedish bead meets/conventions (Pärla! and Bead Lovers Meet) are looking for sponsors. If you sell internationally and want swedish costumers, you might want to get in contact with the organizers. Just a thought.

Locket rings
Two ways of making your own locket rings, aka poison rings, from ring blanks and lockets or prayer boxes.

If  you get stuck on a project, you can spin this wheel from Brynmorgen Press for ideas on how to move forward. The suggestions on the wheel are mostly general enough to cover all sorts of beading and jewellery-making techniques.

Dates for the 7th Bead Soup Blog Party
Lori have revealed the dates for the next round of the Bead Soup Blog Party, with sign-ups in january and three reveal dates in spring.

Macrame knot and larkshead knot variations
Make bracelets using these interesting variations on two common knots.

Project ideas for spike beads
A round-up of tutorials and patterns using the new spike beads. Some of the projects are free, others not.

British bead shows
It's not that far to Britain from Sweden so why not combine a vacation with some bead shopping? An incomplete list of british -- mostly english -- bead shows.

Painted bead embroidery backgrounds
A look at Diane Grygo's bead embroideries with painted backgrounds -- an interesting alternative way of mounting beadwork.

Floating cross stitch
Combine embroidery and resin in this fun Epbot pendant tutorial.

Poor woman's hydraulic press
Want a hydraulic press, but can't afford it? On the Objects and Elements blog you can learn about a cheaper alternative to this expensive tool.

Keeping the finish on dyed and galvy beads
Galvanized and dyed seeds are known for losing their surface colour. Here's some of the tips and ideas often mentioned when discussing how to protect the bead finishes.

Bead meet in Gothenburg
In May next year, the door will open to the first (hopefully annual) bead meet/convention in Göteborg/Gothenburg: Pärla!.

International bead meet in Lund
In March next year there'll also be a new big bead convention with bead shopping in Lund, called Bead Lovers Meet. Here too the organizers hope to be able to create an annual event in Southern Sweden (the only really big bead events, PUSS and Facett.Sthlm, in Sweden have so far been concentrated to Stockholm). Some of the places are earmarked for danish beaders in an effort to make beaders from both sides of the Öresund strait come together.

Drill hollow beach stone links
Why just make charms and pendants from your beach finds? You can also hollow out stones and use as links or bead frames.

The other Superduo bead
Read about the confusion as a second superduo entered the market. A bead not make by the SuperDuo manufacturer and one that differs in size and shape from both SuperDuo and Twin (which can now be found in the two versions Twin Pressed bead and Twin Seed bead).

1 comment:

  1. Your computer is joking with you! Customers...not consumers...


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