Friday 7 June 2013

Garden in pink and purple

I haven't blogged much lately, but hopfully there'll soon be some more posts as I go on a summer break from my other blog and then when the potato season ends (which sucks slightly as we've been partially replaced by a lithuanian so I won't be making as much money as usual as long as he stays here).

Anyway, at least I've gotten some time for the camera. Last evening I focused on the garden as I love the colours it has right now. It's dad's garden and I don't think colour combos has even been his main focus so usually there's a real mix of colours in the middle of summer. It's kind of a cottage garden in that it's informal and densely filled with various flowers. But right now it's dominated by the allium and columbines -- which have spread like crazy this year! -- with a touch of bleeding heart (which make up a huge chunk of the photos I took), annual honesty, pink-flower-I-don't-know-the-name-of and a handful white flowers. And then of cause there's the white, pink and pastel violet lilacs. So it's basically a pleasing mix of pinks, purples and indigo blues amongst the lush greens of grass and leaves right now. It changes colours as the months go by, from the pastels of the snowdrops and crocus to the bright yellow and red of the tulips to the now pink and purple and then later to a rainbow of colours.

 Not the best photo, but shows the garden at an angle I don't often shoot it where you can see the two new flower beds (with an arc for the sweetpeas) in the background. And beyond that the dark corner that you'll get a better pic of further down.

The flower bed isn't acutally as wide as it looks: there's a stone path between it and the house (along which tulips are planted), but the columbines and honesties have pretty much taken over it all.

 More colours soon to come: the poppies are about to burst.

 That's the dark corner of the garden in the southwestern corner under the hazel next to the currant bushes.

 Must say I really like the mix of allium flowers and bush leaves here.The sunshine is just icing on the cake, but what an icing.

 And that was pretty much the whole upper garden. Hope you enjoyed the look around!

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