Time for yet another recap of what I've written in my other blog, Manekis Pärlblogg. This week it includes a few contest tips as well. Since I've got some new followers this weekend, I should probably add a short explaination of the recaps. I've got two blogs I write, this one and Manekis Pärlblogg, whish is a blog on beading and jewellery-making featuring projects, inspiration, product news, history articles, trivia and facts on anything related to beads and jewellery. The blog is written in Swedish, but you can translate it using Google Translate.
When the creativity and joy disappears
It happens to everybody sooner or later. The creativity or joy of beading is gone. It's normal, but can be frustrating. Here is a list of "remedies" that are common. Some of them are things I use, other things are recommendations I've heard from other beaders and artists.
Bead Unique bead embroidery contest
In every issue, Bead Unique magazine have a beading contest. This time the theme is bead embroidery. Read more about it on their website.
Your Designs Rock 2011 design contest
American bead shop Rings & Things have published the details for their design contest. Entries are accepted throught January and February 2011. Read more about it here.
Flint is the inofficial province stone of Skåne, the Southern-most province in Sweden -- where I happen to live. It's a lovely stone that can be polished for use in jewellery. You probably won't find any flint beads, but lapidary artists sell pendants and cabs. You can also find tumbled flintstone in bead, stone and new age shops.
Vintaj November challenge
The current theme for the Vintaj blog design challenge is Wandering Journey. If you want to prepare for the December challenge, the theme for that month is Traditional Christmas. Read more about it here.
Glass bezels
Bezels are often made from metal, but why not try something a bit different? You can find bezels made in ceramics, wood, glass etc. Rings & Things have some inspirational clear glass bezels in four different shapes.
Washing beaded or sequined garments and textiles
Before you bead on clothes or other textiles that might need to be washed, you might want to make sure that your beads can tolerated being cleaned. Not all beads like getting wet, being tumbled or dry cleaned. An important thing to keep in mind when you select beads. Also include washing recommendations for beaded and/or sequined garments.