I've already mentioned some current challenges/contests on my other blog, among them Vintaj blog's monthly design challenge (this month: Vintage Wedding) and Art Bead Scene Blog's Monthly Challenge (this month inspired by Toulouse-Lautrec). To this I'm adding another one of Andrew Thornton's Thursday Giveaways.
This time he's giving us a chance to win five beads, buttons and charms from Green Girl Studios. Oh, I just love pewter! A metal with a long history, often used in arts and crafts. If I can choose between silver and (high quality) pewter, I more or less always choose the latter. No wonder I'm dreaming of attending a pewtersmith evening class? Anyway, who can resist Green Girl goodies? I already own a bat and a dragon bead. Would be nice to have a chance to add these pretty pieces to my "collection" -- especially the sweet roses.
For a chance to win, head over to Andrew's blog and comment on his giveaway post.
PS! Don't forget to read his blog for pics of a couple of super cute kitties!
Thanks for mentioning the giveaway!