We've had some beautiful sunny, cold days lately and that was exactly what I needed to get the energy to work on my half dozen projects that I must finish in February. I'm solar powered, I guess. Today is a cloudy day. A snow blue sky. Earlier today a few tiny snowflakes danced around in the gentle wind, nothing seemily landing on the ground, now it's more of an actual snow fall. But still very gentle. The pic above is a month old, but that's how it looked around noon today. Only with less snow on the ground and bit of it in the air instead. (Or.. at least it did look like that when I began writing a few hours ago: no I don't know as it's pitch dark outside.)
So with the change of weather I've also changed down a gear. At least momentarily: I'll be working all night probably as night time is my creative period. Especially when it's not sunny. And with the bead soup blog party on Saturday I thought I'd take the opportunity to show a few sneakpeaks. Of my bead soup projects as well as my other WIP.

I had to wait an finish my bead soup necklace to let the anti-fray liquid dry. All I need to do now is trim the edges and add a clasp. You can tell I'm Scandinavian: I'm really keeping it simple and clean, even when using lace.

This bracelet/cuff isn't finished. It looks nice the way it is right now as well, but I'm going to do some more work on it. It's a leather cuff laced with cotton cord. I don't have the right tools for it so each hole is made by pushing a needle through it. First a leather needle, which is too weak to push all the way through, then a thicker needle to pierce the hole all the way and after that a third, even thicker, needle to widen each hole. I'm glad that part of this project is over...

Because of the deadlines there are also a few other projects I've had to take a break from. Then there are the project I have laying around for other reasons. Like this herringbone rope that I only stitch a little on, then put down, because I find it so fiddly and frustrating to add large beads to herringbone this way. On top of that I just think it looks skewd and wonky. But I will finish it. Someday...

And that's pretty much how it often look here: ongoing projects and UFOs scattered around the work tables (yes, I have to -- and then I do much of my beading in bed). To be found both in the bead room and the bedroom. But as long as I actually do pick up the UFOs at some point, I'm not worried. I like it. Only thing that's frustrating are all the WIPs I can't finish because I can't afford the supplies -- or in a few cases, the tools -- needed. Or wanted. A tight budget isn't fun for my creative side...